
St. Bernadette School is your Catholic school option in Amelia, OH.  Our mission is to educate the whole child, preparing our students to participate actively in their Church, their family and their community.  We serve families of all faiths from area communities including: Amelia, Batavia, Bethel, Felicity, Moscow, and New Richmond.

Our families appreciate an environment where children experience daily prayer and private meditation, learn all subjects in the context of God's love and hope for us, and have opportunities for school-wide worship services.  Families who are not Catholic feel welcomed and included in our community; all faiths are respected and all children participate.  We offer children an oasis of faith, hope and love as they navigate a challenging world.

We follow a rigorous curriculum and embed it in a growth mindset.  This culture helps children see the value in persistence and learning from mistakes; research in this field proves children can actually become smarter when they embrace a growth mindset.  Our teachers support students when they struggle, leading them to deeper understanding and critical thinking skills.

We know that developing a child's full potential goes beyond meeting minimum standards.  Feedback from parents who transfer from other schools compliments the pace and rigor of their child's academic growth at St. Bernadette.  We monitor student growth in math and reading three times per year, assigning extra support for student whose growth is minimal, and extra challenges to those far above their peers.  The curriculum includes weekly classes in Spanish, computer technology, music, art, and physical education, allowing for cross-curricular application of skills.  After school, students can develop their interests in sports, chess, art, robotics, music and more.  The time our teachers put into the students' development pays dividends; student test scores show an average of 1.5 grades above the average student.

Our spiritual and academic philosophies begin in the preschool program and continue through graduation in the eighth grade.  Classes for three-year-olds meet twice a week from 8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.  Four-year-olds have two options: a three-day per week program in the mornings, and a half-day program that meets five days per week.  Call (513)752-4397 for more information about preschool enrollment and opportunities.

The kindergarten through eighth grade program meets from 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.  We follow the curriculum of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati to prepare students for a seamless transition to high school.  Many of our graduates have earned partial and full scholarships to private schools.  We also provide assistance from special educators for students who struggle - even if they are not officially identified for learning issues.

Investing in a Catholic education is an investment in your student's academic growth, and shows a desire to provide daily support for your personal and family values.  Call Kristine Seitz at (513) 753-4744 ext. 1 to set up a parent tour or a shadow experience for your child and experience the St. Bernadette community.  Thank you for visiting.

Lizanne G. Ingram, Principal

Are you considering St. Bernadette School?

St. Bernadette Catholic School Quick Facts

  • 188 students (K-8) in 10 homerooms
  • 11-22 students per homeroom
  • 62 students enrolled in preschool, 12:1 ratio with teacher   6:1 ratio with teacher and aide
  • 30+ acres of green space on a secluded campus
  • Before and after school supervision (Latchkey program)
  • Bus service provided by public school district of residence
  • School lunches provided by West Clermont
  • Robust Wi-Fi access and integrated technology in all grades
  • 1:1 Chromebooks in grade 3-8, classroom iPads used in grades K-2
  • Classes in art, computers, gym, music, and Spanish weekly
  • Extracurricular activities include sports, fine arts, STEM, and scouting
  • Preschool-8th grade staff includes 16 full-time and 6 part-time teachers or specialists, 3 aides, and 6 volunteers serving as nurses, and aides

Financial Facts

  • Preschool Tuition: $2,133- $3,700 depending on the program Click here for more information on our Preschool programs. 
  • K-8: $6,450 per child. Click here for more information on tuition and fees.
  • Scholarships are available. Click here for more information.