
St. Bernadette School offers both a morning and an afternoon Latchkey program under the direction of Jessica Carnes in the mornings and MaryAnn Ranz in the afternoons. 

Times: Mornings 6:45am-7:30am

            Afternoons 3:00pm-6:00pm

FEES:  $10.00 flat rate/child for 1st hour.  2nd and 3rd hours = $1.75 per each 15 minute increment for first child and $1.50 per 15 minute increments for each additional child in the family.  Latchkey closes promptly at 6pm. If you pick-up your child after 6:00pm additional charges will apply.

Snacks are provided for afternoon Latchkey only.  Children may bring their own additional snacks.  Children may bring their breakfast to morning latchkey.  Breakfast is not provided.

For more information call 513-753-4744. To register, click on the Latchkey Registration Form below, print the form and return it to the school office along with the $25 Registration Fee per family.

Latchkey Registration Form

Latchkey Handbook