
School Volunteer Opportunities 

Thank you for considering to help volunteer at our school! Please note that anyone who volunteers will need to be Safe Parish Trained. Please click here for more information. 

Book Fair - Email Carla Tribble or call her at 513-817-2840 for more information. 

Help Plan Social Events-We are always in need of parents to help plan social events. We have found that planning these events as a team rather than individually is much easier. In addition planning events as a team can be a way for parents to meet and get to know others at the school. We have several events hosted by our PTO Social Committee every year. Through the talents of many parents, we are able to put forth some very fun and rewarding events for our students. If you are interested in helping plan an event or two, please email our Social Committee Coordinator, Jennifer Harris       

Lunch Duty Interested in helping during lunch in the school cafeteria? Please consider helping us during lunch recess from 11:45am-12:45pm (11:45am-12:15pm Grades 3-5 and 12:15pm-12:45pm Grades K-2). Lunch duty parents help students with opening milks and other food items. They also assist with wiping down tables after lunch is over for each group. Please sign in at the main school office before lunch duty and sign out once you are finished.

Recess Duty   Interested in helping as an extra recess monitor? Please consider helping us during our morning K-2 recess from 10 AM to 10:30 AM and/or during lunch recess from 11:45 AM to 1:15 PM. Please sign in at the main school office before recess duty and sign out once you are finished.

Walk-a-Thon More details to come soon!