
Parent/Teacher Organization Notes

All parents or guardians of children attending St. Bernadette Elementary School, as well as each member of the professional staff, are members of this Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) and are encouraged to participate in our activities and meetings.

The St. Bernadette PTO's mission is to promote open communication and understanding between parents and staff. We are men and women working together toward a common goal. That goal is to create a better school and a better educational experience for our children.  We strive to create an atmosphere where teachers, administrators, and support staff can do their best work - and so can our children.

Please join us!

The St. Bernadette PTO officers

President - Ashley White

Vice President - Annie Antle

Treasurer -Tiffany Sentman

Secretary - Denise Byrum

UPCOMING MEETING DATES                    

Thursday, April 10th @6:30 in the cafeteria & virtually

Thursday, May 8th @6:30 Location TBD


Family Movie Event- April 12th 10am-12pm at RJ Cinema

Spring Skating Party/Fundraiser- April 29th 6:00-8:30pm at Beechmont Rollarena


Interested in helping out at the school? Please click here for more information.